Jane Bozarth
Dr. Jane Bozarth is the director of research for The eLearning Guild. She is the author of ELearning Solutions on a Shoestring; Better than Bullet Points: Creating Engaging Elearning with PowerPoint; From Analysis to Evaluation: Tips, Tools, and Techniques for Trainers; and Social Media for Trainers, coming out in August 2010. She is a popular conference speaker and is frequently found at both live and online international events. She also serves as one of the moderators of the popular weekly Twitter event #lrnchat, Thursdays at 8:30 PM ET. She describes herself on Twitter profile as a rabid, feral, and tribal learner, World's Oldest Millenial, Positive Deviant, and Constructive Heretic. Jane Bozarth and her husband live in Durham, NC, USA.